When you need to install a new roof, you’ll find there are many options available for both roofing materials and installation methods. As you search for a “roofing supply near me,” you may come across a method called torch down roofing. Before you jump the gun for this affordable option, know what you’re getting yourself into. SYL Techos de Suministro, located in Orlando and Tampa, can help you get acquainted with the pros and cons of this method before your installation day.


The Method Behind Torch Down Roofing


First, how it works: a torch down roof is essentially an asphalt roof installed via an open flame. Asphalt is a standard roofing material ubiquitous across the country; for a torch down roof, the asphalt is modified with additives such as rubber or plastic, which stabilize the shingles and guard against contraction and expansion. The asphalt comes as a large roll, which your roofer will “torch down” as it unfurls, using an open flame. All torch down roofs comprise multiple layers: a base sheet and smooth cap sheet constitute the two-layer variety, while a three-layered roof includes an additional cap sheet with a granulated surface for extra durability.


Some Drawbacks To Consider


The torch-down method is widely popular and wonderfully inexpensive, but it also has some major drawbacks – enough to ban this roofing method in some states. Due to the inherent fire hazard of an open flame, some insurance companies refuse to cover liabilities associated with this installation. It doesn’t take much – an inexperienced roofer, an error in judgment, a strong gale – for the flame to end up in the wrong place and cause irreversible damage. Although modified asphalt provides excellent weatherproofing, a faulty torch-down installation can lead to seam failure and migrating leaks. For instance, because the asphalt comes in rolls, the roofer must overlap the material as it unfurls, like wallpaper. If the overlapping seam is torched too hot, the asphalt may crack and allow for leaks. A multi-layer roofing system will trap those infiltrating leaks, leading to roof rot. 


Make Sure Conditions Are Right


If, despite these liabilities, you decide the torch-down roof is best for your renovation, make sure the conditions are right. This method is inadvisable for flat roofs, which are more susceptible to the “floating roof” problem of trapped water described above. We recommend reserving this method for structures of a slight pitch, at ratios from ¼:12 to 1:12. Finally, secure a trustworthy, reputable roofing company. Don’t just search “roofing supply near me.” You want an honest, insured, experienced professional wielding that flame-throwing propane tank atop your house. 


Contact Us

We don’t mess around; our roofers at SYL Roofing Supply are experienced in the torch down roofing method and will make sure it’s done safely and correctly. With us, you don’t need to worry about a fire hazard, a failed seam, or a leaky roof. If you live in Orlando or Tampa, stop the search for “roofing supply near me”; call us today!

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Author: Rocken

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