Here Is A List Of Construction Materials Used To Build A House!

Building a home? You’ll need some construction materials to get started. Find out which materials are best suited towards certain parts of your home with this handy guide from SYL Techos de Suministro. We distribute wholesale and retail roof supplies through Tampa and Orlando. Call Now and get a quote on your next project!

Start From Scratch With These Construction Materials

If you’re taking on the ambitious challenge of building a house, one of the first things you’ll want to familiarize yourself with is the basic materials used to build a house. Many contractors use locally-sourced materials whenever they can to reduce shipping costs and to promote sustainable practices.

Here are some of the most commonly used materials in home construction, and where in your home they can benefit most.


One the oldest and most common building materials comes from wood. With its aesthetic appeal and versatile array of benefits, many choose wood as a primary first ingredient in home-building. Some of the benefits include:

  • ·        immense strength for structural support
  • ·        lightweight composition
  • ·        electrical resistance
  • ·        sound absorbance


Plastic is also used throughout many areas of the home building process. Plastic is extremely strong and heat resistant, as well as water resistant and affordable. It can also be molded into virtually any shape needed, making it a long-lasting, versatile solution.


Glass is most often used in windows and lighting, playing a mainly aesthetic role in the construction of your home. However, you’ll want to use glass sparingly, as the material can grow quite expensive if used excessively.


A large portion of your home’s interior structure will be made of metal, specifically aluminum and steel. These metals are super strong, highly flexible, weatherproof and fire resistant.


Cement is also important for your interior structure, providing efficient warming and cooling throughout the home.

Bricks & Blocks

Made of clay and mode, bricks and blocks have been used in construction for centuries. They are often quite affordable, locally produced, and provide excellent insulation, keeping you warm.


Concrete plays a big role in the foundation of your home, holding the structure in place with its immense strength. It can be used for a variety of projects throughout the building process.

One of the most crucial processes of home construction is roof installation. For that, you’ll need the highest quality materials from expert roofing material suppliers, keeping everything below safe and sound.

Get To Work With Your Local Roofing Material Suppliers

As one of the top roofing material suppliers in the Central Florida area, we at SYL Roofing Supply are proud to be the top wholesale distributor and retailer of roofing materials from Orlando to Tampa. We provide a wide array of high-quality products beyond metal drip edging, exceptional professional service, and competitive prices for our vast range of clients. From property owners to general contractors, we help each of our clients achieve their project goals and protect their homes.

Contact Us

Get quality construction materials from some of the leading roofing material suppliers in Tampa and Orlando at SYL Roofing Supply. We help home and business owners alike find the materials they need to finish their projects. Call Now for a project quote!


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Author: Rocken

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