7 Things That Can Damage Your Roofing Underlayment

One of the vital parts of your roof is underlayment. While it serves as a protection for the roof deck, it can fail too when damaged. But what could damage it? Professional roofing suppliers at SYL Roofing Supply have highlighted 7 things that can damage your roofing underlayment. These are common causes of roof underlayment failure today. So, read on!

7 Things That Can Damage Your Roofing Underlayment

  1. Shoddy Installation- When installing underlayment, it must not be wrinkled or torn. Underlayment must be installed with recommended fasteners for maximum performance. Yes, poor installation can damage the underlayment.
  2. Loss Of VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds)- Asphalt underlayment contains VOCs that complements its toughness. But they evaporate and degrade with time. When that happens, they lose durability, leading to failure.
  3. Low-Quality Underlayment- Poor quality underlayment will degrade quickly. While inferior quality underlayment could be attractive from afar, it’s often an unwise decision to settle with them. They will allow water to seep through the underlayment, affecting the roof deck.
  4. Exposure To UV Rays- All underlayment has varying UV tolerances. Asphalt felt will deteriorate quickly, which means it shouldn’t be exposed to ultraviolet rays. Synthetic functions better, but you still do not have to leave them exposed to UV rays.
  5. Exposure To Moisture- Roofing felt should not be exposed to moisture. If that happens, it could lead to leakage. Homeowners are encouraged to prevent water exposure.
  6. Wild Animals- Most homeowners or contractors rarely think about wild animals when it comes to roofing. But no doubt, they could pose a threat, especially to the underlayment. Animals, such as squirrels and raccoons, can damage the underlayment to force their way into your home. Therefore, keep trees trimmed to discourage wild animals.
  7. Temperature– Temperature leads to contraction and expansion, which will damage the underlayment over time. Cold temperatures, for instance, can make underlayment brittle.

The Role Of Delayed Reshingling

As mentioned, temperatures can impact the underlayment. This happens when the shingles are missing. When your shingles are missing, be quick about the replacement. Even high-quality underlayment will fold when left exposed for a long time. Therefore, give your roof the attention it deserves regularly. Also, keep these seven points we’ve discussed in mind, especially when choosing your underlayment material and the roofing contractors you will use for your project. If you hire a reputable roofer and invest in an underlayment that fits your temperature, you will avoid almost all of the issues highlighted.

Is roofing Underlayment Waterproof?

Yes, underlayment is a waterproof material installed on the roof deck directly. It serves as protection against harsh weather like snow, rain, and wind. Roofing underlayment might not always be necessary, but every homeowner should install them!

Contact Us

These 7 things that can damage your roofing underlayment are insightful! So, ensure you purchase high-quality underlayment material and hire a reputable roofing contractor. Do you want the best roofing underlayment today, or need insight on problems with synthetic roof underlayment?  Contact us at SYL Roofing Supply today!

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Author: Rocken

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